Monday, October 31, 2011

October 2011 in Békéscsaba

Images of Békéscsaba
Angel in the one of the parks in Békéscsaba at Sunset

Downtown Békéscsaba

Ariel view of Bekescsaba

First please note the address change and add   Hungary/Magyarórszág to the last line of your letters.

Here are a few words from Hungary you might see in Johnson Nővér's letters.....

Köszönöm- thank you. Szeretlek- i love you. Sok Szerettel- with much love. :) 


October 31, 2011

Jó Napot csaladom!! 
It's been another great week here in Hungary! it's crazy to think we are already half-way through my first transfer! This is Sister Johnson (my companion's) last transfer. Her family already recieved her travel information in the mail! it's crazy that she will be leaving in three weeks! She's an awesome companion and i am learning so much from her. She's told me that this time on my mission will go by fast so i should be sure and enjoy it while its here. I'm sure she's right, so i am just trying to enjoy every minute!!
Anyways, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! They don't actually celebrate halloween here... but we decided to throw a halloween party anyway! :) We decorated the branch house with balloons, streamers, and awesome halloween decorations we found at TESCO (the hungarian version of Wal-mart). I would say the party was a success! We had a toilet paper mummy-wrapping contest, a doughnut on a string eating contest, we painted pumpkins, had lots of junk food, and of course TRICK-OR-TREATing! We all dressed up in constumes too. The elders were "nerds" their costumes were pretty awesome. My companion wore one of the member's folk dance costumes they let us borrow, and well, i couldn't really think of what to be... we are short on money and time to go shopping. so.. we had all these empty water bottles sitting in our apartment. I decided to be water. haha i made a hat out of the bottle caps and taped all the bottles to me over my clothes so it looked like a dress. it turned out pretty awesome actually! and water bottles here are PINK which made it even that much cooler! :) i will have to try and email some pictures. We had a pretty good turn out. Our investigators Fanni and Gabi came, they even brought a bunch of friends and family with them. We also had a few of the members there too. I'm glad i didn't have to miss out on halloween.
Oh! ALSO, 2 of our investigators have agreed to be BAPTIZED this week! Katalin is a 60 year old woman. She has tons of spunk and personality. She loves reading from the book of mormon, and everytime we teach her she always asks so many great questions. You can tell she really has a desire to learn more. It was awesome when we asked her to be baptized becuase i didn't understand all my companion was saying, but i understood when she asked, "Megkeresztelkedsz?" which is basically "will you be baptized?" i understood that, and Katalin sat in silence for a moment and then said, "Meg, meg." I understood that too!! Meg is a prefix which means "completely." Sometimes hungarians will respond to a question by answering with the questions prefix. maybe that makes no sense.. but it was a really cool experience for me. She said she hadn't planned on agreeing to be baptized, but she feels like its the right thing to do. I'm so happy for her.
Our other investigator with a bap. date is Julsci! i think i've written about her in a few of my last emails. Our first lesson with her was my first time teaching the restoration to a real investigator. The spirit was so strong, and since then the spirit has been really powerful in every lesson. She is really accepting of everything she is learning, and is reading from the book of mormon. She's also been praying about our message, and feels good about it! it is amazing to me how the lord prepares people before they are even taught! Julcsi agreed to baptism just after her 3rd lesson! she hadn't even been taught the plan of salvation yet! before my mission i thought i would never be able to ask people to be baptized so quickly.. but it just proves that people can have the desire to be baptized earlier then sometimes we would expect. I know that her faith and willingness to act on the things we are teaching her has helped her recieve her own witness of the truthfullness of our message. This work is incredible! we are asking people to change everything about their lives- its not an easy thing to do. but its incredible to see those people who believe and have that willingness to repent and come closer to Christ.
We are also teaching Julcsi's mom- Zsuzsa. She hasn't been taught as many of the lessons, but i am hoping Julcsi will be an example to her mom and that together they will be able to support eachother in the gospel.
We met with one of the men we met on the street last week- Károly (Charles). He is a former priest for the reformáticús church, but says he's no longer affilliated with any sect. He doesn't like how their church was teaching that only the people in thier church would be saved. He knows alot about and believes strongly in the bible. He's very interested in what we believe though. We gave him a book of mormon, which he said he will read from. We also set up a time to meet with him again this week! I'm really excited about him! i hope that he is able to understand and feel the promptings of the holy ghost as he learns more. I know this is the church he's been searching for.
Well, that's about all. Diane happy birthday tomorrow!! November 1st is a huge holiday here in Hungary. Its kind of like a memorial day. They place candles and flowers on the graves of their family members. It will be a super P-day for us tomorrow because all the stores and shops will be closed... which is why we are emailing today. My companion says the graveyards are beautiful the night of November 1st because they are all lit and decorated. so we are going with the elders to see the celebration tomorrow night! i'm really excited! Also, Dad i hope you have a great birthday on the 6th! i will try and wirte you both a birthday letter! sorry i haven't yet. Last p-day we traveled to this broken down mansion/castle. It was destroyed after WW2. it was HUGE!! now it is mostly just the outside walls, it has plants and trees growing inside of it now. it was really beautiful. i took lots of pictures. But anyway, i didn't get much time to write letters. But i love you both lots and i hope your birthdays are amazing! Mom thanks for taking care of everything with my card for me! that is awesome Scott will be blessing the sacrament next week. I wish i could be there.
I love you all oodles and bunches!! missions are the best! i know i say this all the time but i really do love being here. Sometimes the language is ridiculously hard and i wish i could just teach in english, but its a great humbling experience and i am learning so much.
Take care! you are all in my prayers, i hope everyone is happy and healthy! OH YA!!... Alan and Princess- Boy or Girl??!!!
Sok Szerettel,
Johnson Nővér 

Neighborhood in Békéscsaba

Árpád Bath in Békéscsaba

October 24, 2011

Hello Family!
oh man this week has been crazy! The work out here is SO much different from what we did in the MTC. But it is great! and i am loving every minute. Our first few days of the week we had these workers come in and tear up almost the whole first floor of our apartment. I guess water is leaking into the apartment below us so they had to rip up all our tile to get to the pipes. it was an interesting start of the week. They finished most of it during our study time though so it didn't take up too much of our tracking and teaching time. 
We have the greatest investigators ever!! We had 5 of our investigators come to church with us this sunday! They all seem to be progressing really well. Church is a little more stressful as a missionary because you are constantly worried about taking care of your investigators. but its great when they come. I thought it would be scary not sitting by my companion, but i"m actually really grateful our teachers gave us that challenge. This week i sat by two of our investigators Klára and Zsuzsa. It is funny how even though i can barely speak the language, somehow we are still able to converse somewhat with each other.
I was suppose to bear my testimony last week. There's no bishop here in Békéscsaba- since the branch is so small and we have no priesthood holders besides the elders. Elder Weston is the branch president. I asked him last week like i was suppose to if i could bear my testimony, but he forgot and had me do it this week. I think it went pretty well though! I know there's no possible way that it was completely grammatically correct... but i had our investigators and some members come up and talk to me after and then said they were able to understand most everything i said! 
We've been praying and fasting a lot to find some men to be priesthood holders and build up the branch here in Békéscsaba, and this week we've been seeing so many miracles! This past wednesday after our studies in the morning we were crossing the street from our apartment on the way to the branch house and a man stopped up and asked if we were mormon missionaries. We told him we were, and he got so excited. He told us he wanted to learn more about our church, and then asked us if he could give us his number so that we could meet to speak with him later!! we weren't even streeting, and this man streeted us! we of course said yes! we took down his number and set up an appointment to meet with him this week. Well, after that we arrived at the branch house. we had to grab a few things before heading to one of our appointments. Just outside was a man waiting for a store to open near our branch house. I quickly said hello to him and asked how his day was going. He answered and then pointed our our accents and asked where we were from. We told him we were from America and were here as missionaries for our church. Well then we started talking about the church. We showed him part of our branch house, and then gave him a restoration pamphlet! he said he too was interested in learning more! he gave us his name and number and we set up an appointment to meet with him this tuesday! he's also interested in coming to our english classes. He thanked us and then left. My companion and i were in shock! 2 men in less than 10 minutes! here in Békéscsaba that is unheard of! Hardly any men here want to listen to our message- i guess religion here is thought of more as a woman's thing. I'm not sure why. But it was obvious that the Lord placed those men in our path this week. And the miracle of it all is we weren't even searching for them at the time- Heavenly Father lead them strait to us. 
We will teach them both the first this week. I hope their hearts will be prepared to hear our message. This branch could really benefit by having more priesthood holders.
We also are teaching this amazing part member family! they are so amazing. The mother is a member and then they have 3 children, the oldest is 11. The father Tibi has actually been coming to church the last 2 weeks! and his wife Edina says he has been reading from the book of mormon! He is such a nice man and a really great father from what i have seen. we are hoping his testimony will continue to grow, and he will continue to come to church every week with them. 
Oh man, i wish i could write about everyone here!! Julcsi and Zsuzsa i think i wrote about last week. They are doing awesome! Julcsi is the girl i wrote about in my last letter who we taught the first to. She has now had the 3rd lesson. She's reading from the book of mormon. She told us she has prayed about it, and feels like its true. She is also praying now about the decision to be baptized!!
This week we had an older sister missionary come and stay with us for a few days. Her name is Sister Eigner and she is a native Hungarian. Her husband died a few years ago, so she is serving as a missionary now. She normally works with family history and things, but sometimes she will come out here to Békéscsaba to go proselyting with us. She is awesome! only.. she doesn't speak any english. haha So that was kind of hard for me this week. I learned a lot though- and she would correct everytime i said something wrong. It was really hard at first, because i knew everytime i said something it would be corrected.. but it helped me to learn a lot faster. She also made us real hungarian food every night! one of the nights she made what they call lecsó. Which is peppers, tomatoes, and onions mixed with these noodles and col bass. I was a little worried to try it- considering i don't like tomatoes, peppers, OR onions.. but it was REALLY GOOD!! i ate everything on my plate. I thought my parents would be really proud of me to hear that. 
Well, I don't have much more time. SOrry i can't tell you about every minute that i live through here. But it is great! its amazing how quickly you come to really love the people. I had heard that before i came on my mission, but i don't thing i really understood it until i actually came here and met them. Hungarians are the most genuine, kind hearted people you'll ever meet! most of them have a shell around them at first, but once you break through that shell they are just filled with love and are so giving! i love being here! 
next week my email might be a few days late because we are travelling to Budapest on monday to get my visa and go through greeny-training. Well, i love you all tons! Scott i hope your birthday was great! Congratulations on becoming a priest! Talk to Dad and Holly and Mom thanks for your emails! i will talk to you all soon! 
Sok Szerettel, (with much love)
Sister Johnson

Lightening caught in Békéscsaba

 The Streets of Békéscsaba

Churches in Békéscsaba

If you would like to know a little more about Békéscsaba, here is a great link to look at. This is also were I got some of the pictures from.ékéscsaba 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Sister Johnson has arrived in Hungary!! 
The following are the welcome letter from the Budapest, Hungary Mission
and Tiffany's first letter home. 
Please write to Sister Johnson using the Hungary address
located on the right hand side of this blog. 
Please note, it takes about three weeks
for her to receive your letters.

Leaving the MTC bound for Hungary

Now THIS is a LONG flight...I'm going to sleep. Peace...Out!


The following is the Letter and picture received from The Budapest, Hungary Mission upon Tiffany's arrival. 

Dear Parents of Sister Johnson,

It was our great pleasure to welcome your missionary, 
Sister Johnson, to the Hungary Budapest Mission this morning.  The spirit and bearing of an excellent missionary are evident in herdemeanor, and she is full of energy and enthusiasm for the Lord's work here.  We are very happy she is joining us in the mission field at this exciting time in the history of the Church in Hungary.

Attached are photos of 
Sister Johnson with her new trainer, as well as a photo of her with President and Sister Baughman.  We are taking good care of your missionary, and would like you to know that you can contact us at any time if questions or concerns arise.  May God's helping hand be with your family as Sister Johnson faithfully serves in this great work.

With love,
Elder Conklin
Office Secretary

President and Sister Baughman with Sister Johnson

October 17, 2011 

Holy Guacamole! I'm in Hungary finally! This is crazy! I love it here! Our flight was really long. but it was good! I met some really nice people in the airports and our district drew lots of pictures and kept ourselves occupied on the long ride. I talked to quite a few people about the gospel, but i was too chicken to hand out any pass-along cards. I'll get'em on the way back in a year and a half though! haha
We made it to Budapest around 530 pm. or 1730 in military time. the president and his wife were there waiting for us after we picked up our luggage. The first Hungarian i spoke to was an older lady. I said hello when we were waiting for our luggage. She asked where i was from, so i said i was from america, and that i didn't speak the language very well yet. She was so nice to me, and made sure to speak slowly and help me with words i didn't understand. It instantly helped me feel more comfortable with speaking to people here, and helped me have a greater love for everyone i'm going to meet. 
Well anyways, we went with pres. and sister baughman and the assistants to the mission home where we ate dinner and got acquainted with everyone. Sister Baughman made us a lovely dinner and it was great after all the airplane food and MTC meals we had been eating. After dinner the Assistants (Elder Lundeen and Elder Davis) took us all around to see the city! We went first to heroes square. it was amazing because the weather was perfect and it was night time so everything was lit up so nice. i am amazed at some of the architecture and monuments they have here! it is such a beautiful country. I walked around saying hello to all the Hungarians. I was too nervous to handout books of mormon... but i did ask lots of people how they were doing so i could practice some Hungarian. Most everyone was really nice to me. Many people here normally keep to themselves though so i think lots of them were caught off guard. We also went up to Gellért Hegy and saw the statue of the lady holding the fig leaf.. at least i think its a fig leaf.. i'm not totally sure. But the view was amazing! 
We spent the night in the mission home and ate breakfast with everyone again in the morning. After breakfast we went out for our first streeting practice! it was a little intimidating. but went well. We handed out a few pass-along cards and got one person's number. 
AND THEN... we had the meeting were we received our assignments. I was so excited to meet my companion and find out where i would be serving. We knew 2 of the sisters would be staying in Budapest and 2 would be going to other places on the eastern and southern parts of the country. Everyone went around and introduced themselves. There are actually 2 other sister Johnsons here! i thought that was kind of funny. But finally it was my turn and i was called to serve with Sister Heather Johnson in Békéscsaba!!! its a really tiny city in the  south eastern part of the country. After we recieved our assignments i grabbed my bags and we took a LONG train ride to Békéscsaba. it took us about 2 and a half hours to get here. and my companion surprised me with an appointment already set up for the night! we were running late and my bags were super heavy when we finally got off the train, so we skipped taking my bags to our apartment and went strait to the branch house to meet with Marianna. Marianna is a member and she is so sweet! i've gotten to know her really well in just my first week here. I would say she is the glue that holds this branch together. We see her almost everyday here at the branch house and she comes with us to a lot of our appointments with investigators. i was nervous at first to meet a lot of the people here, but i have already come to love them so quickly. 
Right now we have quite a few investigators we are meeting with. The first investigator i taught was named Katalin. She invited us in and gave us both cookies and juice. This was her second lesson so she asked us a lot about what she had read in the book of mormon. She seems to be really accepting of everything and she has a lot of great questions. We wanted her to come with us to church this week but she normally works on sundays, so its going to be tough but we are going to try and find a way to commit her to keep the sabbath day holy. i wish i could write about everyone because they are all seriously amazing people! i am so touched by how genuine and real the people are here. They are so humble and so giving. They are sometimes closed off at first, but once you can break through their shell they are just the most loving, fun people you'll ever meet. Although, i have also met a lot that just instantly are so accepting and kind- i'm really grateful for that because its made me feel so much more instantly welcomed into the country. 
A few other investigators we have are Zsuzsa and Julcsi a mother and daughter. The mother comes to our english classes on thursdays. She asked for a book of mormon and came to conference last week. She recommended her daughter to meet with us for english lessons. So last thursday we met with her and helped her with her english. she actually speaks really well! she's 19 years old and is in school right now, she swims and actually is hoping to be in the Olympics next year! After our english lesson we always do a short gospel message- so we actually taught her the first. It was the first time i had taught the restoration and Joseph Smith to a real investigator, but it was so amazing. My companion explained about how we believe god is our heavenly father and then i talked about eternal families. She explained the apostacy and a little about Joseph Smith and then i recited to her the first vision. After the spirit was so strong- you could just feel it! she said she had never heard any of that before and she was interested in learning more. Her and her mother actually showed up at church yesterday! and we have another appointment to meet with them on wednesday! We're also teaching a lady named Klára, a mother and little girl named Fani and Gabi, a woman named Letti, a mother and daughter both named Marika and one Brother named Lászlo. László has been taking the lessons on and off since feb 2008! he believes the church is true and reads from the book of mormon everyday but is afraid to be baptized for some reason. We are working on it though. I hope he is baptised soon, our branch desperately needs priesthood holders!
Well, i am loving it here. We did get bikes. Everyone in the city here rides bikes. Except, i'm pretty sure we are the only ones who actually wear helmets! haha i haven't seen anyone else with one yet. Our apartment is great! and my companion sister Johnson is awesome! everyone here thinks its pretty funny that we have the same name. Békéscsaba is great! i was really excited when i was called to serve here because it is the first area one of our teachers Erickson Testvér served in. He told us all about the first day of his mission, so as i was going through my first day it almost felt like deja vu because i was reliving so much of what he told us. 
Well, i've got to get going we have lots to do today! love you all talk to you soon!
If you send me any letters i probably won't get them for about 3 weeks because they send them to the mission home which is pretty far away. So if there is anything i need to know faster than that you might want to email me. Well i love you all TONS''' i hope all is well   

i almost forgot. i despratly need pictures of our family to show the members here!! they can be from anytime. when i was young or old it doesn't really matter- maybe both. i don't have to be in all of them but i just need a couple or lots. :) maybe some of my baptism if you can find any. and it would be great if they were printed! thanks so much love you!

- Sister johnson 
Köszönöm!!! Szeretlek! 
Sok Szerettel,
Johnson Nővér

Sisters Johnson and Johnson

More From the MTC

The Names by which she shall be know

October 5, 2011

Oh my Goodness!- I LEAVE IN 5 DAYS!! My time here at the MTC feels like it has gone by so fast! but it also feels like i've been here for an eternity! Looking back i can't believe i am already leaving! I am so excited and so nervous at the same time! We got our flight plans last friday! i leave on monday in the afternoon! its so crazy to think that soon i will be talking to real Hungarians!- real investigators!! how crazy. I'm not sure they will be able to understand a word of my Hungarian- but i just hope they can see the excitement and love i have for the gospel! I found out i am able to call home the day my flight leaves. So keep your phones on you on the 10th! I'm not exactly sure what time i will be able to call yet. Just that i can call on that day. Our flight will be leaving here strait to Paris!- and then to HUNGARY!! oh man.. it gives me the chills just thinking about it!
Our consecration week has been great! Its been really difficult at times.. but also pretty fun! I've learned so many more new words! and i've made it a whole week without sweets! i might just keep this up a little longer! :) One of my favorite things about only speaking Hungarian this week, was when missionaries who don't know Hungarian would sit by us. I would always try and talk to them in the language and have conversations. It became kindof like a game of charades!- I was actually amazed with how much they were able to understand and respond to! It gave me hope that when i get to Hungary, if the people don't understand my MTC Hungarian- i can just resort back to hand guestures and crazy facial expressions and they should get the jist of it!
I finished reading the Book of Mormon this week! it feels so great to finish, because now i can just start at the beginning again! i'm so glad Michael challenged me to read it during my time here. I'm not sure i would have finished all of it if he hadn't. A few weeks ago i was really far behind, i thought about giving up -but then decided i couldn't. So i took the Book of Mormon around with me everywhere i went and read it whenever i could find some free time. Reading then changed from "i have to finish! so i can't put it down." to " this is so amazing! i don't was to put it down!" I am so glad i had the oppurtunity to read the whole Book of Mormon here. I know it strengthened my testimony and love for the BofM so much, and now i will be able to testify so much more powerfully because i know its a true Book.
Conference was amazing wasn't it! I was telling my companion how its so funny that your perception of conference changes so much as you get older. When i was younger i dreaded conference.. it was 8 hours where i didn't understand much and i just saw it as a time so color, sleep, or play the dot-game with my siblings. Conference always seems so long and boring and i was so relieved when the sessions were over. Its horrible that i felt that way- please don't judge me, but its true. BUT NOW!- Conference is the greatest thing EVER! In every talk there is something for me to apply and learn. These are God's servants talking to us! This is what Heavenly Father would have us know right now! That just amazes me! now, i find myself paying attention so much more intently. And the sessions seem so much shorter! i actually felt a little sad this time when they ended! I would tell you which one was my favorite but i really loved them all! A few i really like was the talk that said "it is better to look up"- that is so true. I also liked Elder Packers talk about the old crow and the young crow. Elder Uchtdorf was great in Conference and in the Relief Society session. I hope we are able to recieve a copy of the next ensign so that i will be able to read through them again.
Well anyways, I better get going! I love you all and pray for you always! I will try and send my memory card with my pictures on it as well! thanks for your letter and package with the sweater!! i love it! i've already worn it basically everyday.Dad, that is so awesome you will be in Hungary next week!- if its alright i'd rather not see family now so that i can stay focused on the work! you probably weren't planning on it anyway, but just making sure. i love you lots though and i'm excited i will get to talk to you on the phone this week! Oh ya! Dad and Holly thanks for the letters on dearelder! i'm so glad to hear things are going well for you! Holly i hope you had a great birthday! Sophie's birthday is today! - Happy birthday Sophie! thanks for all the pictures Diane! Sophie is adaorable! i have the cutest niece ever!! i love you all tons! take care! Talk to you SOON!!!!!
Szervusz! Jó napot kivánok!
Johnson Nővér

The Sisters

The Elders

September 28, 2011

Hi Everyone!
So our consecration week starts this week! During consecration week we give up speaking english- so i will only be able to speak in Hungarian for a whole 7 days!! i really hope i survive. Plus, normally on consecration weeks people give up something that is really important to them. We were going to give up reading our mail for the week- but there are a few people who are recieving important letters and packages they need to open this week. So instead we have decided to give up sweets... :/ I LOVE SWEETS! & English! so this might be a tough week for me. and i don't know that i've ever gone a whole week without any sugars.. sad but true. We'll see how it goes. I think i will learn a lot and learn a lot about self-discipline. We start after we leave the temple today, and then it goes until we enter the temple next week. So i will give you the update in my next email.
Mike challenged me to read the whole Book of Mormon during my time here at the MTC. I took the challenge and right now i am in 3 Nephi. I still have a lot of reading to do before i finish.. but i think i will make it! This is my second time reading through the Book of Mormon from start to finish. The last time i read it was when Gordon B. Hinkley challenged every member to read the Book. I am realizing that this time i understand so much more! I have forgotten so much since the first time i read through. And now i understand how the stories and the people all relate to eachother! I know the book of mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, and i've heard so many times that the purpose of the book of mormon is to testify of christ- but i never fully understood that till now. Before, when i use to think of the book of mormon, i just thought of the stories and the wars and the nephites and lamanites- i couldn't think of much that was about christ. But just yesterday i was reading in 3 Nephi chapter 11 where Christ is appearing to the Nephites. It is so amazing to me! Every page testifies of Christ- How these people in Ancient America believed in Christ, or didn't believe in Christ, How they were obedient, or how they were disobedient, all the prophets that testified of His coming, and then His actual birth, atonement, and resurrection. I love the Book of Mormon so much! And i am begining to realize that as we read it everyday our understanding and our appreciation for the book of mormon will increase.
Anyways, sorry for that whole spiel- i'm a missionary now so these are the type of things we talk about all day. Anyways, 2 weeks left! Conference is this sunday and then the sunday after is the day before we leave! So this week we actually had our departure orientation! Pretty exciting!! i can't even wait! We've been practing street contacting a lot- i think we will probably street someone our first night there! Kassie is actually leaving this coming monday! How exciting! Sometimes i am jealous of the english speaking missionaries- they get to leave for the field so quickly, and plus they can say anything they are feeling in the moment they are prompted to say it! For me teaching in Hungarian is still pretty difficult. I can definitely say more than i could in my first few weeks. and i am even starting to be able to form my own sentences. But i have such a small filling cabnient in my brain filled with very few words to choose from. I am excited for the day that i will be able to express myself perfectly as i hope to in the language. I know it will come someday.
Well, that's about all for this week. Thanks for everything! i hope that you are all doing well! love you tons! Conference is this weekend!! YAY! i'm so excited! i was hoping the choir would sing at conference- but they won't be this session.
Also, i have a really random question i'd like to ask for anyone who has Google at their expence- there is a quote in "City of angles" something about tears.. and the heart. i can't exactly remember. But i'm sure google could find it for you. i was just thinking about it the other day- and i can't remember what the words are... so if you can find it, could you maybe email it to me? haha totally random i know. but i was just curious. 
umm.. well take care everyone! thank you for all your support and your prayers! i love and pray for all of you as well! next week will be my last email here in the MTC!! how awesome is that! Well, the gospel is true! talk to you soon!
Sister Johnson

Tiffany and the Hungary Missionaries in the MTC